Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What's the point?

Why blog? Good question.

"Social Media" and "Web 2.0" are big buzz terms both in the agency and client side of the biz. A lot of the bigger, more conservative clients still hold on dearly to their safe, traditional :30 and :15 spots. Thanks to the infamous recession, though, many are trying to optimize their budgets and funnel their money into more traceable, accountable media channels. Namely, digital.

Since, for the most part, social media manifested is free, it makes sense, right? So why has it taken so long for behemoth companies to hop on board? Well, it's unfamiliar, difficult to maintain, and the content needs to attract a large audience in order to be effective. So why all the trouble?

In my opinion, the internet is more of a communication platform and than an information platform. Connecting people in order to share information has become its main purpose. I check my email and facebook at least three times an hour (no joke). Also, blogging is a hybrid between Advertising and Public Relations. It has the potential to be highly branded content, but can still be organic and natural. Bloggers share their own opinions and are more trustworthy than paid content. I trust CafeMom's opinion on Cheerios much more than that bee they have in their commercials.

In short, it's word of mouth, 2.0, and we've already passed the "early majority" stage. Get on it already!

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