Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Subliminal advertising really does work, claim scientists

"Subliminal advertising really does work, claim scientists who found that people subconsciously respond to flashed messages - especially if they are negative."

I still don't believe it.

There's a difference between quickly showing a negative image to change someone's mood, vs. the stigma surrounding "subliminal advertising" taking over your brain and convincing you to purchase products you have no desire to own.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Kids These Days

Have you seen that Microsoft commercial where the 4 year old girl creates a pretty impressive slideshow? "I'm a PC and I'm 4 years old." In his writing, Marc Prensky notes that kids these days are not only growing up differently, but they have literally started speaking a different language and thinking differently than we have. They are, what he calls, "Digital Natives," and the older generation is made up of "Digital Immigrants."

Here is the cutest Digital Native.... ever:

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Social Media as a Headhunter

Social Media: "The Biggest Shift Since the Industrial Revolution" (via)

Note: at 1:04, 80% of companies use LinkedIn as their primary tool for finding employees. At 45+ million users, it has become an essential networking tool. This is why it is absolutely VITAL to have an impressive, current LinkedIn profile.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

"YouTube Moment"

It seems every major pop culture gathering has the "one thing" people will be talking about the next day.

1) Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction at Superbowl XXXVIII
2) For Obama's Health Care speech back in July, it was his "stupid cop" remark
3) For the MTV Movie Awards, it was Bruno's graceful descent onto Eminem

4) And, for tonight's VMA performance, it was Kanye West's rude outburst during Taylor Swift's award for Best Female Video:

Except, interestingly enough, "the next day" has really come to mean "for the next hour on twitter as #teamtaylor becomes a trending topic instantaneously." Thank you, Web 2.0.

Life Becoming a Parody of Itself

So, there was recently a big stir over a very disturbing British PSA regarding Texting while driving:

Which is why I am personally shocked and horrified that this still happens:

It's kind of ironic. The PSA is a mockumentary about the dangers of using a new media while engaged in an "old" activity. The second is candid footage of an old media being used during the old activity... except it is arguable MUCH more dangerous.

Also, it appears we have found Waldo. Looks like running from the law calls for more reckless behavior.

Monday, September 7, 2009

"Going Green"

Moss as a Media Form:

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Chinese Takeout

Along with milk cartons, Chinese Food Takeout containers have been making a comeback as a place to stick a message (via)

Apparently, Cingular utilized Chinese takeout boxes in 2002 (via):

Now, do the advertisements on the boxes offset the cost of delivery at all?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ice Sculptures: a PSA

"To draw attention to climate change, the World Wildlife Federation had Brazillian artist Nele Azevedo set up 1000 ice sculptures on the steps of the Berlin Concert Hall. [Image via Getty]" - Gawker

This concept is great, but Brazil is hot - I can only imagine how long those little men were around. In terms of effectiveness, if anything, the word of mouth is the real media placement here, as opposed to the hundred of icemen situated on these steps.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Interview Messups, Case Study #4

Okay, this isn't exactly an interview messup case study, but it is hysterical.

Made by FEED Company, an agency that creates branded entertainment viral videos for different agencies and products. This one was produced for Deloitte Consulting.

It's funny, it turns out a lot of the viral videos that I loved specifically for being so unique and strictly amateur were made by the professionals at FEED. These letdowns include Fast Food Folk Song, Bike Hero, and Never Hide.

Milk Cartons: Old Media Turned New

From 1979-1981, Milk Cartons were a way to publicize missing children.

Since, there have been a few parodies, as this phenomenon made its rounds in pop culture.

As of late, the advertising industry has decided that milk cartons, once again, are an effective way to reach its consumers, and have consequently decided to use it as a paid media vehicle.

Here, the music group Plain White T's is featured on milk cartons in a cooperative campaign promoting both milk and the band. These milk cartons in particular are being distributed to schoolchildren during lunchtime.
Wonder what the FDA would have to say about all this...