Monday, July 20, 2009

Look Who's Calling The Kettle Vicious

As of late, Microsoft has been running "Laptop Hunter" ads in which they give a family has $1,000 to find their ideal laptop. Inevitably, their choice always ends up being a PC of some sort, because they can get all the programs etc they need, for less. "Apple" or "Mac" generally isn't mentioned in these ads - just the glory that is cheap PC-dom.

Apparently, this ad campaign really worked. Earlier last week, Apple angrily asked Microsoft to stop running the ads, as they dropped their prices (by about $100 or so). Keep in mind that there has been little to no word from Microsoft's end asking Macs to stop running their "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" attack ads.

I see this move as a huge indicator of the stereotyped personalities of Macs vs PCs. Correct me if I'm wrong, but "Macs" tend to be younger, hipper, more carefree, less corporate, and more fun. Basically, that guy you had a crush on freshman year of college. On the other hand, "PCs" tend to be older, more corporate, more business-minded, colder, dorkier... basically, your parents after they've given you a curfew.

How fitting that when the Macs directly attack the PCs, they take it like grown men. However, when PCs allude to the fact that Macs are legitimately overpriced, Mac whines to get its way.

Grow up, Steve, and learn how to swallow your own medicine:

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