Tuesday, August 4, 2009


My big goal, as previously stated, is to reconcile the differences I have with big business and my morals by changing it from the inside. That being said, there are two major paths I see my advertising career taking.

1) Working endlessly in the big media firm world until I climb the corporate ladder and earn a position of importance and and impact.

2) Create my own advertising agency

I recently dabbled in trying number two. Long story short, it was a bit of a failed experiment. I've lost a bit of hope, but after speaking with Ricky Van Veen, and seeing this video, I know it's within my reach.


  1. Good luck to you! Sometimes failure is the only way we can learn, and sometimes Hashem makes sure we fail, because we aren't ready for our successes yet. I am reminded of a story about R. Chaim Vital, founder of the modern Yeshiva movement. R. Chaim went to his Rabbi, the Vilna Gaon, to ask if he could start his own Yeshiva. The Gaon, replied "no." Some years later, R. Chaim asked again, and this time the Vilna Gaon, said "yes." When asked why he had changed his mind, the Vilna Gaon, said that before he wasn't ready, but he was ready now. I am sure it will happen for you, it just may not be tomorrow.

  2. Reebs, if they coined the term "to move mountains" after someone, it would be you!
    Talent can be wasted, skills and strategy can be taught, and experience can be misused; but the drive you got, that'll keep you above the competition.
    Good luck to you Miss CEO Sheitle Lady!

    btw Daniel, if case you'd like to know, RC Vital was the student of ARI of Tzfat, who recorded his most well known teachings. He lived a few hundred years before the Vilna Gaon. Not that makes a real difference - the story is still a great story - i just find it funny that so many Jewish stories get their characters mixed up!

  3. http://www.crownheights.info/index.php?itemid=17668
    thought you might like this story
